[GIS] Joining Excel table to shapefile in ArcMap


I have a shapefile of lower layer super output areas (LSOA) for England and Wales and I have a spreadsheet of the indices of deprivation for each of the LSOA's in England. I want to join the deprivation data to the shapefile so it can be mapped in ArcMap. I tried joining the table through the Join and Relates > Join option and put in the fields for the LSOA data for both shapefile and spreadsheet (the data that matches). the attribute table added the datafields to the attribute table from the excel spreadsheet but all of the data is blank!!

I have tried looking at the field "type" as ive read that it has been an issue before but it seems to be OK.

Is there anything anyone can suggest?

Best Answer

Here is the ESRI help page on joining a shapefile to an Excel file: http://support.esri.com/en/knowledgebase/techarticles/detail/31793

I've followed those guidelines in the past when I had problems and I was able to get the data joined.

For some more information, here is a whitepaper from ESRI on working with Excel in ArcGIS:


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