[GIS] Issues Accessing ESRI File Geodatabase within Quantum GIS Desktop


I am trying to access ESRI file gdb from Quantum GIS. I am on Windows 7, 64-bit. I have found many useful threads on how to set up this functionality within Quantum GIS. The method I went for is described in this thread. I installed QGIS as part of the OSGeo4W package. I went for an 'Advanced' installation and added QGIS (v.1.8.0) + 'gdal-filegdb:OGR File GDB Driver' library. This has been installed with no issues. In QGIS, when I navigate to 'Add vector layer' window and choose File GDB as source type, I am able to preview contents of the file gdb in the following 'Select vector layers to add' window. Upon making my selection I can see the layer being displayed in table of contents, however after a short while qgis is crashing. I have attached couple of screenshots of this process:

enter image description here
enter image description here

Does anybody have similar experience or else can suggest solution to this issue?
Do I need the ESRI File Geodatabase API installed as well to be able to access ESRI file GDB?

Many thanks,

Best Answer

As shown under your menu on QGIS: HELP>ABOUT>, what version of GDAL/OGR is your QGIS compiled against? Is that 1.9.2?

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