[GIS] Issue with address locator in ArcGIS 10.1


I am attempting to geocode a table of addresses for a client. I researched into how to create your own address locator and have two separate reference sources: one that has exact address information for our county and another that has road information.

I have made a locator for addresses using the US Address – Single House style, and one for roads (I experimented with one range/dual ranges style). When I make a composite locator using both of these and add it to ArcMap during geocoding, I am not presented with an "Address" field input. I only have street or intersection, city, state, zip.

What setting exactly will allow me to input the physical house number?

I should mention that the client data has addresses split into multiple fields such as: House_NO, ST_NAME, CITY.

Should I simply combine the house_no and st_name fields?

Best Answer

It looks like combining the fields was what I was looking for. I was so set on using separate fields it didn't occur to me to try that.

If anyone isn't super comfortable with the field calculator, I used this to combine the separate fields together: [Street_Num] & " " & [Street_Name]

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