[GIS] Is there workaround for very slow ArcSDE 10.1 data display


I'm suffering from very slow viewing data of and ArcSDE database from an Arcgis engine application, the SDE database is in localhost so there's no network issues. but i still don't know the reasons neither how to solve this problem.

i'm working on 64 bit machine with 2 CPU's Xeon 3.4 GHz and 2 Gb of RAM.

the database contains 20 feature class, but with the max number of features do not exceed 100 000 in some feature classes, if i wait to view the data i should wait 10 minutes.

i tried to compress and rebuild indexes in the database but there's no improvements at all.

i tried to view data from ArcMap, i have founded the same problem.

Using the performance monitor i remarked some bottlenecks in CPU and network sides.


i have tried @travis advice, so i opened mxd referencing data in sde with Arcmap, then i remarked this part take 7 minutes:

[W 10:34:37.710] Command:      QueryWithInfo
[R 10:34:37.710] Long:         1
[R 10:34:37.710] Query Info: 
    Num Columns:   1
    Columns:       "shape"
    SQL_Construct: [1]
    Tables:        "gebase.sde.point"
    WhereClause:   "type_point_id<3"
    Query Type:    4
    Num Hints:     0
    Num Parameter markers: 0
    Logfile:       <null>
[W 10:34:37.718] Long:         0
[W 10:34:37.718] Col_Defines:  [1]
    Name                                 Type    Width nDec  NULL?   RowID
    -------------------------------- ----------- ----- ---- -------- -----
    shape                            SE_SHAPE        0   0      NULL      
    -------------------------------- ----------- ----- ---- -------- -----
[W 10:34:37.718] Long:         71303299
[W 10:34:37.718] Long:         0
[W 10:34:37.718] CoordRef:
    XY False Origin:       -37644800,, -28128500,
    XY System Units:       10000,
    XY Half SysUnit:       0,00005
    XY Round:              0,0001
    XY Cluster Tolerance:  0,001
    Z  Offset:             -100000,000000
    Z  Units:              10000,000000
    Z  Half SysUnit:       0,000050000
    Z  Round:              0,000100000
    Z  Cluster Tolerance:  0,001
    Measure Offset:        -100000,000000
    Measure Units:         10000,000000
    Measure Half SysUnit:  0,000050000
    Measure Round:         0,000100000
    Measure Cluster Tol:   0,001
    Coordinate System ID:  0
    Coordinate System:     "PROJCS["Nord_Maroc_Degree",GEOGCS["GCS_Merchich_Degree",DATUM["D_Merchich",SPHEROID["Clarke_1880_IGN",6378249.2,293.46602]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",300000.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-5.4],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",33.3],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.999625769],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",33.3],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]"
    Spatial Reference ID:  102191
    Precision              High [64]
[W 10:34:37.719] Command:      SetSpatialConstraints
[R 10:34:37.719] Long:         1
[R 10:34:37.719] Short:        2
[R 10:34:37.719] Long:         0
[R 10:34:37.720] Filter Array: [1]
    Table:        gebase.sde.point
    Column:       shape
    SearchMethod: SM_ENVP
    Truth:        Must Pass
    FilterType:   SE_SHAPE_FILTER
          XY False Origin:       -37644800,, -28128500,
          XY System Units:       10000,
          XY Half SysUnit:       0,00005
          XY Round:              0,0001
          XY Cluster Tolerance:  0,001
          Z  Offset:             -100000,000000
          Z  Units:              10000,000000
          Z  Half SysUnit:       0,000050000
          Z  Round:              0,000100000
          Z  Cluster Tolerance:  0,001
          Measure Offset:        -100000,000000
          Measure Units:         10000,000000
          Measure Half SysUnit:  0,000050000
          Measure Round:         0,000100000
          Measure Cluster Tol:   0,001
          Coordinate System ID:  0
          Coordinate System:     "PROJCS["Nord_Maroc_Degree",GEOGCS["GCS_Merchich_Degree",DATUM["D_Merchich",SPHEROID["Clarke_1880_IGN",6378249.2,293.46602]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",300000.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-5.4],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",33.3],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.999625769],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",33.3],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]"
          Spatial Reference ID:  102191
          Precision              High [64]
          Feature Number:        0
          Feature Entity Type:   Area        
          Number of Points:      5
          Feature Envelope:
            MinX:    328133,48150, MaxX:    384094,63650
            MinY:    133834,78230, MaxY:    159869,12210
          Polygon Perimeter:        163990,98960
          Polygon Area:          1456911724,87047
Point          X                Y               2D Distance 
    1     328133,48150     133834,78230
    2     384094,63650     133834,78230        55961,155
    3     384094,63650     159869,12210        26034,340
    4     328133,48150     159869,12210        55961,155
    5     328133,48150     133834,78230        26034,340

[W 10:34:37.721] Long:         0
[W 10:34:37.721] Command:      ExecuteSpatialQuery
[R 10:34:37.721] Long:         1
[W 10:34:37.727] Long:         0
[W 10:41:17.554] Command:      NextBuffer
[R 10:41:17.554] Long:         1
[W 10:41:17.554] Long:         0
[R 10:41:17.554] Long:         16416
[W 10:41:17.554] Long:         456
[W 10:41:17.554] Short:        -1
[W 10:41:17.554] Long:         0
[W 10:41:17.554] Long:         0
[W 10:41:17.554] Block:
    BufferInfo: [25/16416]  Address@0x26fb0000 
    BufferInHex:    "02008A850100010000000100140000000C0000000100000082..."

what could make ExecuteSpatialQuery so slow to take 7 minutes ?

I'm available for explanations of the problem.

Any help please.

Best Answer

I'm guessing you may have general performance issues such as labeling, layer scale rendering, transparencies..etc. If you have ArcGIS for Server license you may try using the Analyze button on the Service Editor to test a map document for these performance warnings.

Service Editor helps you identify potential performance bottlenecks and errors that you will need to address

Analyzing your GIS resource

You may then model your fixed map document layer configuration to use within your ArcEngine app to improve performance.

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