[GIS] Is it possible to use Leaflet.draw on a map in R


I want to develop an application where a user can draw a line, polygon etc…

I currently develop with R and leaflet package and I found that it is possible to work with Leaflet.draw under JavaScript.

My question is, can I operate it under R?

Edit :

I copied in my Directory : leaflet.draw.js,leaflet.draw.css,leaflet-draw-plugin.js


leafletDrawDependencies <- function() {
      system.file("Users/insa/Documents/Biblio-graphique/toolbar/dist", package = "leaflet"),
      script = "leaflet.draw.js",
      system.file("Users/insa/Documents/Biblio-graphique/toolbar", package = "leaflet"),
      script = "leaflet-draw-plugin.js"

addDrawToolbar <- function(map,layerID="drawnItems",
                           group = layerID,
                           position = c('topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft',
                           circle=TRUE,marker=TRUE,edit=TRUE, remove=TRUE) {

  position = match.arg(position)
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletDrawDependencies())
  invokeMethod(map,getMapData(map),method =  'addDrawToolbar',layerID,group,position,

drawPolylineOptions <- function(allowIntersection = TRUE,
                                drawError = list(color = "#b00b00", timeout = 2500),
                                guidelineDistance = 20,
                                shapeOptions = list(stroke = TRUE, color = '#f06eaa', weight = 4,
                                                    opacity = 0.5, fill = FALSE, clickable = TRUE
                                ), metric = TRUE, zIndexOffset = 2000, repeatMode = FALSE
) {
    allowIntersection = allowIntersection,
    drawError = drawError,
    guidelineDistance = guidelineDistance,
    shapeOptions = shapeOptions,
    metric = metric,
    zIndexOffset = zIndexOffset,
    repeatMode = repeatMode

drawPolygonOptions <- function(allowIntersection = TRUE,
                               drawError = list(color = "#b00b00", timeout = 2500),
                               guidelineDistance = 20,
                               shapeOptions = list(stroke = TRUE, color = '#f06eaa', weight = 4,
                                                   opacity = 0.5, fill = TRUE, fillColor = NULL, fillOpacity = 0.2,
                                                   clickable = TRUE
                               ), metric = TRUE, zIndexOffset = 2000, repeatMode = FALSE, showArea = FALSE
) {
  if (isTRUE(showArea) && isTRUE(allowIntersection)) {
    warning("showArea = TRUE will be ignored because allowIntersection is TRUE")

    allowIntersection = allowIntersection,
    drawError = drawError,
    guidelineDistance = guidelineDistance,
    shapeOptions = shapeOptions,
    metric = metric,
    zIndexOffset = zIndexOffset,
    repeatMode = repeatMode,
    showArea = showArea

#' @rdname drawPolylineOptions
#' @export
drawRectangleOptions <- function(shapeOptions = list(
  stroke = TRUE, color = '#f06eaa', weight = 4, opacity = 0.5,
  fill = TRUE, fillColor = NULL, fillOpacity = 0.2, clickable = TRUE),
  metric = TRUE, repeatMode = FALSE) {

    shapeOptions = shapeOptions,
    metric = metric,
    repeatMode = repeatMode

#' @rdname drawPolylineOptions
#' @param showRadius whether to show the radius of the drawn circle
#' @export
drawCircleOptions <- function(shapeOptions = list(
  stroke = TRUE, color = '#f06eaa', weight = 4, opacity = 0.5,
  fill = TRUE, fillColor = NULL, fillOpacity = 0.2, clickable = TRUE),
  showRadius = TRUE, metric = TRUE, repeatMode = FALSE) {

    shapeOptions = shapeOptions,
    showRadius = showRadius,
    metric = metric,
    repeatMode = repeatMode

#' @rdname drawPolylineOptions
#' @param icon a custom icon, as created by \code{\link{makeIcon}}
#' @export
drawMarkerOptions <- function(icon = NULL, zIndexOffset = 2000,
                              repeatMode = FALSE) {

  if (!is.null(icon)) {
    if (!inherits(icon, "leaflet_icon")) {
      stop("Icon must be created using the makeIcon() function")
    icon$iconUrl <- b64EncodePackedIcons(packStrings(icon$iconUrl))$data
    icon$iconRetinaUrl <- b64EncodePackedIcons(packStrings(icon$iconRetinaUrl))$data
    icon$iconShadowUrl <- b64EncodePackedIcons(packStrings(icon$iconShadowUrl))$data
    icon$iconShadowRetinaUrl <- b64EncodePackedIcons(packStrings(icon$iconShadowRetinaUrl))$data

  filterNULL(list(icon = icon, zIndexOffset = zIndexOffset, repeatMode = repeatMode))

#' @describeIn addDrawToolbar
#' @export
removeDrawToolbar <- function(map){
  invokeMethod(map,getMapData(map),method =  'removeDrawToolbar')

map <- addTiles(leaflet())
map <- addDrawToolbar(map)

but the toolbar is not displayed, what's missing?

enter image description here

Best Answer

In short, Yes you can. You can find some good examples of tutorials as well as reading up on "Leaflet for R" using RStudio here, offering the following features:

Interactive panning/zooming
Compose maps using arbitrary combinations of:
    Map tiles
Create maps right from the R console or RStudio
Embed maps in knitr/R Markdown documents and Shiny apps
Easily render Spatial objects from the sp package, 
or data frames with latitude/longitude columns
Use map bounds and mouse events to drive Shiny logic