[GIS] Is it possible to set a tool as optional within ArcGIS Model Builder


I have a model with two output files – one is useful always and the other only under certain circumstances. The first (always wanted) is a raster dataset, the other (optional) is a vector feature layer derived from the raster.

Is it possible to make the last step (including the corresponding tool) optional, or do I have to make two separate models, one with and one without the final step?

EDIT: I use ArcGIS 10.1.

The output feature layer can help, but it's hard to interpret, so I usually hid it just after creation. It was originally intended as a first step of subsequent model and it will be moved to it, but there are some problems in the next model's creation. Having this layer for each set of parameters is quite handy for me to work on the subsequent model, but almost useless for other users.

Plus, there's curiosity behind that – quite a lot of tools have optional outputs, so even if I didn't need it I'd be curious whether it's possible in model builder too.

Best Answer

Would if/then logic be an option to split your model in the final part? If yes, take a look at: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//002w00000022000000

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