Reproject Spatial Data – How to Reproject Spatial Data Using SQL Server

coordinate systemsql serversrid

SQL Server takes an SRID when creating spatial data, but is it possible to retrieve with a different SRID translating the coordinates?

For example, let's say I have a bunch of spatial polygons using SRID 4258, but I'd like to use alongside some pre-existing data that has an SRID of 4326 — are there built in conversions, or do I have to handle this conversion myself?

The SQL-MM method, which PostGIS implements is ST_Transform. How do I do that in SQL Server?

Best Answer


Transform - ability to transform from one spatial ref to another: No - need 3rd-party tools, Geometry can use any SRID between 0 and 999999. Spatial Tools free CLR add-on does provide limited transform support.
