[GIS] Is it possible to realign polylines from KMZ in Google Earth

google earth

I have a street network that has been extracted from AutoCAD DWG's and converted to a KMZ file. The resulting polylines, when launched in Google Earth, do not visually align with the imagery.

I am not sure what the source data is, and not really concerned with anything other than realignment (transformation?). I have ArcExplorer but no other GIS at the moment other than AutoCAD and Microstation, which aren't true GIS platforms.

Apologies for the rambling, post, thanks.

Best Answer

If you look at the data in Google Earth, right-click a feature and choose properties:

enter image description here

Then, while the properties dialog is open, you are in an editing mode. The cursor will change and let you move points of the feature:

enter image description here

The one caution is that I don't think it keeps connectivity to adjacent features, so don't move end points if you want to keep a topological network.

This is - of course - all assuming the lines are only slightly off, and that you want to edit them manually into position. If they are a large distance away then consider that the original coordinate system was somehow wrong, or if they are all a consistent distance away then maybe they need an offset?