[GIS] Is it possible to install GeoServer on a web server

geoserverinstallationweb service

Is it possible to install and use GeoServer with PostgreSQL on a website which is hosted by a web server provider?

I am using a web server for my website. I want to add mapping feature on my website. I know PostgreSQL for storing my data like shp files (postgres db is provided by the webhoster) but I do not know how can I install GeoServer and use to fetch data from postgreSQL and display on my website using Openlayers / Leaflet.

Best Answer

In general - no. Webserver's are only dedicated to run webserver services on a certain port, e.g. offering HTML-content or processing simple PHP- or JS-Scripts.

GeoServer is software which wants to be installed and maintained. It's like an own service in a server environment...

Of course, you could always ask your hoster via support if setting up services like GeoServer is possible. But they most likely will charge money for setting up custom software and you wont be able to customize the software anyways, only use it.

What you are looking for might be a Virtual Server or even a dedicated Root Server with shell and/or remote desktop access and the ability to install Java, GeoServer and any software packages you want.