[GIS] Is it possible to export dynamic labels from ArcMap to KMZ? (Or alternate approach)


I am preparing increasingly more maps and layers for export to KML/KMZ as it seems to be the most convenient way to quickly analyze spatial data by my superiors.
In order to export labels I seem to have to convert them to annotations. Even this approach is not without limitations; the annotations seem to be rasterized and almost always illegible unless I make them very large and adjust the pixels and DPI values of the output image.

Is there a way to export labels directly, or as vector? If not is there another simple way to export labels to KML/KMZ?

Thank you all for your suggestions. It seems that the existing workflow seems to be the best option. I exported my annotations to polygons and this workaround seems to work pretty well.

Arc2Earth produces erroneous KMZ files that are riddled with errors.

The recommended ArcGIS script is only available for legacy ArcGIS 9.x versions.

Dynamic Labels DO NOT export at all into KMZ using the default tool.

Best Answer

Arc2Earth has good label control


There is a 'free'community version


But the professional version is likely to be required due to the limitation of exporting features (100/250) See the Feature Grid http://www.arc2earth.com/products/featuregrid/

(I am not associated in anyway with Arc2Earth but know Brain Flood in the blogging circles)

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