[GIS] Is it possible to create add-ins with VS Express


Last year, when version 10 was still beta, I contacted ESRI to recommend a migration path for VBA conversion. I was reassured that the free VS Express will be sufficient.

Now in version 10 and with all VBA customization at "document level" since UI Controls cannot be added to the "Normal.mxt" template created a significant problem with supporting / upgrading VBA customizations.

Seems that I finally need to migrate the tools so i set out to complete the Walkthrough example only to find that I don't seem to be able to complete it.

The Walktrhough is obviously customized for those with full version of VS. I have a very limited knowledge of .Net and so i thought the Add-ins should be simple enough migration path.

Is it even possible to create an Add-in with VS Express? Does anyone know of a good example using VS Express rather than the full version.

Best Answer

OK, I just read Simon's answer on your other question and you've already done this.

You might want to be more specific as to why you can't complete the walkthrough example. According to the ESRI Forums, there are some people on ArcGIS 10 + VS 2008 Express and it's not without integration issues: ESRI Forum. Maybe you have an integration issue and that is preventing you from completing the walk through?

I think this answers the question, but there's no example. Hopefully another answerer will have one for you.

See the first sentence under Building Add-ins: http://blogs.esri.com/Dev/blogs/arcgisdesktop/archive/2010/05/05/Add_2D00_ins-for-ArcGIS-Desktop-10.aspx

Add-ins are built using an integrated development environment (IDE), such as Visual Studio Express for .NET and Eclipse for Java, and simple wizards and templates are provided with the ArcObjects SDKs to automatically generate fully stubbed out add-in projects including the XML and class files.