[GIS] Is it possible to clip a shapefile to an image() in R


I am working on mapping some netcdf data in R and have been having a tough time trying to perform a clip with an imported country shapefile that I'm using. Here is my question from yesterday. If you know anything about that, feel free to pop over there and answer that question. 🙂

BUT I'll start fresh here. So for my work, we are planning on mapping tons and tons of weather data all across the globe. For practice, the guy providing our data provided us with some "example" data to play with. My boss would like for me to create my maps in R. These maps are intended to be return period maps. The data is in netcdf format. I was able to map the netcdf data with the levelplot function from the rasterVis package. I was also able to map the netcdf data with a simple image function. Here's my code (sorry for the funky naming conventions; I've just been playing around with this):



#Madagascar shapefile
madagascar <- readShapeSpatial("MDG_adm0.shp")

#Call on netcdf file
ncdf.data <- nc_open("swio_rpmaps_200_83.nc")

#Call on the 10 year wind return periods
returns <- ncvar_get(ncdf.data, "y010")

#Define latitude and longitude
lon <- ncdf.data$dim$longitude$vals
lat <- ncdf.data$dim$latitude$vals

#plot image of windspeeds
image(lon, lat, returns, col = cm.colors(9,alpha=.6), add = TRUE)
#plot Madagascar on top of windspeeds
plot(madagascar, add = T)

Here is the result image:
enter image description here

Is there any way to clip the Madagascar shapefile to this image? Or another way to manipulate the data so that I can perform a clip? Ideally, I would only have the data associated within the bounds of whatever country I'm mapping.

Best Answer

Picking up on the suggestion by @hrbrmstr here is the code. Since you you don't provide a sample file, I try to mimic your situation and create a sample the way you might be able to do it with your netcdf file. The shapefile I extracted from Natural Earth.

madagascar <- readShapeSpatial("MDG_adm0.shp")

## make up some values 
# I am trying to replicate the way you would do it with the netcdf file..
lon <- seq(42, 51, .05) 
lat <- seq(-29, -10, .1)
returns <- runif(length(lat) * length(lon))

image(lon, lat, matrix(returns, length(lon), length(lat)), col = cm.colors(9,alpha=.6))
plot(madagascar, add = T)

enter image description here

Next we use the values from the netcdf file to create an actual raster object (a RasterLayer to be exact) that you can work with. To do this we need to set the dimensions of the raster (nrows and ncols) as well as the min and max values for both dimensions (x and y). We then use the setValues function to add the values (in your case windspeeds) for each raster cell.

UPDATE: Instead of doing this, create a Raster object directly as outlined by @RobertH .

# create the raster object using the values from above
r <- raster(nrows=length(lon), ncols=length(lat), 
        xmn=min(lon), xmx=max(lon),
        ymn=min(lat) ,ymx=max(lat))
r <- setValues(r, returns)

plot(madagascar, add = T)

enter image description here

Lastly, we use the mask function to clip the raster. This function takes any Spatial* object as mask, a SpatialPolygonsDataframe (like your madagascar one) being one of them.

r.clipped <- mask(r, madagascar)

enter image description here