[GIS] Is it possible to automatically set CRS of Rasters from PRJ file

coordinate systemqgis

I am trying to learn my colleagues to display measured data (ASCII) in maps relatively easily. I can prepare project, color and symbology style for the point layer and background map.

I also found good way to get background map (PNG + world file) for offline use via MOBAC and OSM. MOBAC uses EPSG:3395 WGS 84 / World Mercator and I have the appropriate PRJ file. However, I found out, that QGIS does not use the PRJ for rasters and load them always using default CRS (in my case EPSG:4326).

Is it possible to make QGIS load the CRS settings from the PRJ (or other file) without need to set the CRS manually for every raster?


Best Answer


(menu) Raster > Projections > Assign projection

This procedure writes CRS to file. Next time you load it QGIS will not ask you for a CRS.

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