[GIS] Is it possible to add values+symbols to an imported symbology in ArcMap


I am trying to use an imported symbology from a layer file in ArcMap 10.2. However, the shapefile that I want to make a symbology for has two or three more values than are present in the imported legend. Whenever I want to add the new values and manually edit their symbols, the entire imported legend disappears and I end up with all new symbols.

Is it possible to add values and symbols to an imported legend?

I am using layer properties->categories->unique values in the layer properties window, same as in the layer file.

Best Answer

Add the new values with the Add Values button, not the Add ALL Values button. The add ALL values button will override the existing symbology and re-add all unique values whereas the Add Values button allows you to preserve the existing symbology and add new unique values not present in the Symbol list.

EDIT: Also, confirm that after importing symbology from layer file, the count of symbols is greater than 0. After import, you have to physically click the header to get the count. If the count beside each symbol is 0 then the values in the source layer file do not match any values in your destination layer. enter image description here


Based on our discussion, here is the process i recommend:

  1. Import layer file and hit the count header to ensure matching values exist enter image description here

  2. Click Add Values, Click the Complete list to ensure all possible values have already been added to symbology. Type in new value in the text box and click Add to List enter image description here

3.Once new value appears in the list, select it and click OK in the dialog enter image description here

  1. New additional value is now added to the existing symbol list without altering any existing values enter image description here

  2. Edit new value symbology as needed: enter image description here