QGIS – Inverting Polygons in Shapefile Geometry


I have a Shapefile with Polygon features representing the world's land areas (continents, islands).

Is it possible to invert these, and get a geometry that represents the world's oceans and seas?

So the original land Polygons need to become rings in a single global Polygon that covers the planet.

Basically, I'm looking for something like Select > Inverse in Photoshop.

I am using QGIS.

Best Answer

You can do this using the following steps:

1- In QGIS go to Vector > Research Tools > Polygon From Layer Extent. Use the World's Land area as Input File. Choose the Desired name for the output file name of extent layer. This will create a new vector layer covering the Whole Land area.

2- Use Geoprocessing Tools > Difference: Use the extent layer created in step one as input file and world's land area as difference file. Then You will get an opposite shapefile which represents the ocean.

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