QGIS 3 – Addressing Invalid Geometries in QGIS 3 Compared to QGIS 2


I have a large polygon vector data set containing approximately 10,000 rows of data. I have used this data to run specific tasks in the QGIS 2 series (many of the Geoprocessing tools) with no issue of invalid geometries.

In QGIS 3 it seems to be picking up many more geometry validity errors even though I am using the exact same data set. I have tried multiple times in both QGIS 3 and 2 on different samples and QGIS 3 can sometimes encounter errors when 2 does not.

I know you can set the parameters to ignore features with invalid geometries but this is leaving me with a lot of errors and blanks in my analysis. Another thing to note is that this is the case in all updates to QGIS 3 up to 3.2.1.

Does anyone know why this might be happening in QGIS 3 and if there is an easy fix?

Best Answer

They aren't more prevalent in 3.x - it's simply that 3.x warns you shoot them, while 2.x happily just overlooks them and accordingly gives outputs which may be wrong or meaningless!

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