[GIS] Intersection of a raster and polygon in ArcGIS 10.3


I have two data sets one raster and one polygon. I am interested to see learning the area where the two overlap. I was thinking that I could use the intersect function, but since one of the layers are a raster that will not work.

Is there another way for me to compute the area of the overlying areas?

Best Answer

I think what you need to do is to clip raster by the polygon, to do that go to Data management toolbox -> Raster tools -> Raster Processing toolbox -> use the Clip tool found in the Analysis toolbox. You have the ability to use the selected features as the clipping extent. If a feature within the feature class is selected, and "Use Input Features for Clipping Geometry" is checked, the raster image will be clipped based on the polygon extent.

Check this help for more info.

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