[GIS] intersection between a geometry and a layer in Arcobjects VBA


i have to make an intersection between a polygon and a layer of parcels, the polygon used in the clip is not belonging to any layer and the result of this intersection should be all the parcels inside and cuted by the polygon (clip) so i thought to use ITopologicalOperator but i haven't understood how to work with this tool , also it seems to give one feature as result but in my case i need a set of features.

can you give me the right tool to use in Arcobject for my case ?

any advice is welcome 🙂

thanks in advance

Best Answer

Create a spatial filter (ISpatialFilter) with the geometry and get a featurecursor for the layer (using IFeatureclass.Search). Cast the search geometry to ITopologicalOperator and call Intersect on each IFeature.Shape returned by IFeatureCursor.Next().

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