[GIS] Interpolate temperature data (shapefile) using R


The answer below solved my fist question, so I edit my question as follows:

I have a shapefile given with the attributes lat, lon, elevation and temperature.

So far I have a script that interpolates only the temperature data:

#read shapefile:    
shape <- readOGR("C:/Users.../Testarea.gdb", "temperature_data")
#grid shapefile:
shape.grid <- spsample(shape, type = "regular", offset = (c1,1))
gridded(shape.grid) <- TRUE

test <- krige(Temperatur~1, shape, shape.grid)

Now my problem is that I should also need to consider the elevation, since the temperature is often dependant on this parameter. How can I do this?

Best Answer

You didn't pass shape.grid to krige. Try:

test = krige(Temperatur ~ 1, shape, shape.grid)

Your example does not work as is, ssample should have been spsample. For your second question, you will need a grid with elevation data.