[GIS] Interpolate data from multiple gpx tracks


I have a number of GPX tracks of the same road. But due to GPS error they are not accurate enough (20-30m off).

I'm wondering if I could interpolate those multiple gpx tracks into single one. If an error is random, interpolation should give me more accurate data.

Are there any algorithms to interpolate multiple (non-ordered) points?

Update I've found the correct search term. It's map inference gps traces in google scholar . There you can find "cited by" and related articles.

Best Answer

Yes, there are such algorithms (see for example here, there and here) but since you seem to have only one single road, would it not be easier to do it by hand? (!). Using for example QGIS, you could import your GPS traces, create a new layer, digitalise the centerline of the bundle, and then export it in whatever format.