[GIS] Installing third party python libraries in ArcGIS location


I'm running ArcMap 10.2.2 for desktop and have Python 2.7 installed as part of the software package. I'm trying to get the pyexcel and xlutils libraries installed. I ran a script to find the path of the arcpy module and figured this is where I would have to copy other libraries to in order to import them into my Python scripts. This is after reading the following article by ESRI:


I now have both the pyexcel and xlutils folders in Python27/ArcGIS10.2/Lib/site-packages but am getting the generic import error stating the module does not exist when trying to import the modules.

Do I have to run pip in order to make these libraries available> I don't have admin rights to my machine and am dependent on IT staff to do anything requiring access to program files.

Best Answer

If you do this on windows, you can do this through cmd prompt and use setup tools. I have to do it on a restricted computer all the time. I just install the source setup.py files as ziggy has suggested.


In command prompt, change your directory to the location where you have extracted the package that you want to install. (Do setup tools first).


cd c:/theLocationOfYourPackage

if you are saving the extracted to packages to d you will need to use the method here to change the directory to D or other drive:


then type the location of your python install, and then setup.py install

C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\arcpy folder\python.exe setup.py install