[GIS] Installing TauDEM to work with QGIS


I'm having trouble setting up TauDEM to work in the processing tools of QGIS 2.0.1.

I download TauDEM from here and select "TauDEM 5.2 Command Line Executables for 32 bit Windows PC". I extract them to a directory called "C:\work\taudem".

I then go into QGIS processing menu > "Options and configuration" under TauDEM I set the "TauDEM command line tools folder" to "C:\work\taudem".

When I execute a TauDEM tool I keep getting errors saying:

Oooops! The following output layers could not be open.

Best Answer

I recommend reading the installation instruction for version 5.2 and installed the Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 MS-MPI library i.e. http://hydrology.usu.edu/taudem/taudem5/downloads.html, point 8.

If you don't need the multi file functionality version 5.1.1 might be easier to handle and works for me in QGIS 2.0.1.

Your description sounds a bit like the algorithm is working, but not producing a correct file.