[GIS] Installing QGIS3 on a Mac with Python in Anaconda


I am trying to install QGIS3 via Kyngchaos installer. But as I install python 3.6 in anaconda, the installer cannot find it. I know I can install a new environment or use symlinks to connected to Python that installed by homebrew as suggested in Installing QGIS3 on Mac? But as I have already installed a lot of packages in anaconda environment, I still hope to connect QGIS libs to it. Is it possible to do that?

Python 3.6 is installed in /Users/.../anaconda3/bin

Best Answer

I would like to share my experiment though I still failed to install it.

It seems in my case that The python path should be /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin. I try to create a symlink like ln -s /anaconda3/bin /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin and then I can 'successfully' install QGIS3.

However when I open QGIS3 that I have installed. It crushed suddenly when loading the software without any dialog box showing any errors or warnings.

I am still wondering whether there are some libraries that I should install besides GDAL and what's the reason for its crush.

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