[GIS] Installing Qgis 2.16 on Windows 10 – MSVCP120.dll

installationqgis-2.14qgis-2.16windows 10

For some problems in my PC it was need to restore Windows 10 and when I tried to launch Qgis (2.16 and 2.14) a message from Windows appeared (see image in attached; sorry, the message is in italian):

enter image description here

So I decided to Unistall Osgeo directory and install it again using OSGeo4w install. Everything worked fine untill it was installing qgis-common. At that moment the previous Windows message appeared again. After OK, installation continued and at the end appeared:

OSGEO4W message – Postinstall script error "Package: qgis-common,
qgis-common.bat code-1073741521".

So I decided to install Qgis 2.14 but I had always the same problems.
Somebody can help me? .

Best Answer

It's too late I imagine but for someone esle with the same problem. https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/209571689-Windows-Error-Message-Missing-MSVCP120-dll-File It worked for me in W7