[GIS] Installing Python-GDAL with OSGEO


I have been trying to install python gdal with OSGEO for some time now with no success. I have removed. I have tried with "Express and Advance" as suggested by OSGEO4W site.

The error is always "No module named 'osgeo' or gdal", the command line also does not recognise an internal program.

Best Answer

Summerizing the 4 steps from the answer of Khoa:

  • go to this site to download appropriate windows binaries (once you've clicked on the appropriate version of GDAL bianaries, select GDAL core to download the main fucntionnalities).

  • install GDAL with default (or not ?) settings

  • return to the page where you got GDAL core and download GDAL python bindings to work with your python version

  • install python bbindings