[GIS] Installing GDAL and OGR for Python


I am developing some code in Python, and I want to use the GDAL/OGR python bindings. What is the minimum I need to install in order to use the GDAL and OGR python bindings?

What is the easiest way to install GDAL/OGR if I only want to use it from Python?
I'm looking for an answer that applies to both mac and windows.

GDAL is listed in the Python Package Index (PyPi) but I don't understand how to install its dependencies (libgdal and the header files for both libgdal and numpy). Maybe all I need to do is install numpy and then get libgdal somewhere, and if so, where? Does a windows install need the Windows Binaries in addition to libgdal and it's header files?

How can I ensure that I get the proper python bindings for my version of Python (2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3)?
Must changes be made to the PATH environment variable in order to use GDAL and OGR from Python, or can everything be accessed through my site-packages folder and a typical import statement?

These questions are relevant to this question but do not answer it:
installing GEOS, PROJ, GDAL/OGR into a python virtualenv on Mac OS X
How to install GDAL with Python on windows?

I should note that FWTools, OSGeo4W, and kyngchaos offer ogr and gdal with python bindings and are excellent, but FWTools and OSGeo4W ship with their own python, rather than acting as libraries for an existing python installation, and the kyng chaos frameworks appear to be for OS X only.

Best Answer

Only adding this because I tried using the kyng chaos tools, but on my Mac OS X machine I was able to very, very easily install this with Anaconda

conda install gdal

Posting in case anyone finds this again - I realize the original post is 3 years old.