QGIS 3 – Installing External Python Packages

installationpackagepippython 3qgis-3

While there are tools and methods for QGIS 2 I cannot figure out for 3
I want to install external Python packages such as sqlalchemy etc.

I tried the following things :

  1. Tried to download osgeo4w for QGIS 3.02 as of now there is no advance installation option like it use to be before http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe.

  2. Tried to install setuptools but its not working in the 2nd step. it
    returns 1.

  3. Went to Python of the C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.0\bin and tried pip
    but it does not work.

Best Answer

I encounter that problem after installing QGIS 3, too. Therefore, I install Python packages in following way:

  1. Copy python3.dll and python36.dll in (QGIS_PATH)/bin folder to (QGIS_PATH)/apps/Python36/ folder.
  2. Open command prompt as administrator. Go to Python36 folder. cd c:/(QGIS_PATH)/apps/Python36
  3. Install Pyhon packages by python -m pip install package_name.

I use that way, because I couldn't install packages using OSGeo Shell. When I try in OSGeo Shell, Python crashes.

EDIT: This was one solution that I was using. But OSGeo4W shell with python3 post as @Luke states in comment has exact solution.

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