[GIS] Install latest Osmosis version on Ubuntu


I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and I would like to know the easiest way to install the latest (stable) version of Osmosis, which is 0.44.

I ran

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install osmosis
osmosis -v

That last command returns many lines, but the second is

INFO: Osmosis Version 0.40.1

0.40 seems to have too many problems with 64-bit integers. So I want to download the latest stable, but I don't know where Osmosis is currently installed to and thus where I should copy the downloaded files to.


Best Answer

Finding the location of your current executable can be done with which and ls -l can show you where the symlink points:

which osmosis | xargs ls -l

If you know the location just follow the Install instructions for pre-built binaries:

wget http://bretth.dev.openstreetmap.org/osmosis-build/osmosis-latest.tgz
mkdir osmosis-new
mv osmosis-latest.tgz osmosis-new
cd osmosis-new
tar xvfz osmosis-latest.tgz
rm osmosis-latest.tgz
chmod a+x bin/osmosis
cd .. 
mv osmosis-new/* /your/osmosis/install/location/