[GIS] Install GDAL on MacOS via Homebrew with Oracle support


I'm trying to install GDAL on a Mac so I can use ogr2ogr against an Oracle database. This was as easy as:

brew install gdal

However, it seems the Homebrew edition of GDAL doesn't ship with Oracle support. When I list install options with brew options gdal, I see flags for thigns like MySQL and Postgres but nothing for Oracle. Does anyone know how to build GDAL using Homebrew but include Oracle/OCI support?

Best Answer

Have you tried osgeo4mac?

brew tap osgeo/osgeo4mac 
brew install osgeo/osgeo4mac/gdal1-oracle
#or for GDAL 2x
brew install osgeo/osgeo4mac/gdal2-oracle

More info on taps is available in the homebrew documentation.


osgeo4mac is broken on Big Sur - #1410.

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