[GIS] Inserting Grids and Graticules in ArcScene


I have searched Grids and Graticules option in ArcScene 10.3 but didn't found there. I am specifically interested to mark Y-axis (as in below map I've prepared in Surfer) to show vertical values of my DEM. How would I insert axis in ArcScene?
enter image description here

Best Answer

I do not know a way to do this in ArcScene, but if you wanted to add a grid to a 3D ArcScene image you could import it back into ArcMap and add the grid there. The steps would be:

  1. Export your 3D image from ArcScene as a 2D image.

  2. Open ArcMap. Add the original georeferenced layer. Then add the 2D .jpeg image exported from ArcScene as a new layer.

  3. Georeference your .jpeg image onto the original layer.

  4. In Layout View, turn off the original layer. Add the grid and rotate the map if necessary.