[GIS] Including WMTS Layer from API in Openlayers2


I´ve generated a map API from the GBIF data portal. It shows points from the country Mali.

enter image description here

I included the API as a WMTS in Openlayers2, but I dont know how to change the xyz accordingly, so that my data shows up properly in my openlayers2?

The implemented WMTS Layer code looks like this:

    var wmts = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({
    name: "Observations Mali 2000-2010 WMTS Gbif",
    url: "http://api.gbif.org/v1/map/density/tile?x=0&y=0&z=0&type=COUNTRY&key=ML&layer=OBS_2000_2010&palette=yellows_reds",
    layer: "layer_id",
    style: "default",
    matrixSet: "matrix_id",
    isBaseLayer: false



And the webbrowser output (the yellow dots) looks like this so far:

enter image description here

Setting xyz as 0 values just give me a yellow point grid in my map.
Hope someone can give me a solution to my problem showing up the Mali data properly.

Best Answer

Why do you want to use WMTS? The GBIF website is based on Leaflet. The built-in tiles layer are not using WMTS grid at all but the OSM default grid.

Normally with both OpenLayers 2 and 3, you just have to change the URL parameters when tiles are base_url/z/x/y.png but the GBIF url do not work the usual way: it requires more changes as the url uses additional parameters.

For OpenLayers 2

Use the code below

var params = ['SP_1900_1910','OBS_1900_1910','OTH_1900_1910','SP_1910_1920',

var countries = ['ML'];

var getMyTileUrl = function getMyTileUrl(options) {
  var options = options;
    return function(bounds) {
      var res = this.map.getResolution();
      var x = Math.round ((bounds.left - this.maxExtent.left) / (res * this.tileSize.w));
      var y = Math.round ((this.maxExtent.top - bounds.top) / (res * this.tileSize.h));
      var z = this.map.getZoom();

      var country_params = options.countries.map(function(el) {
        return 'key='+ el;
      var layer_params  options.layers.map(function(el) {
        return 'layer='+ el;

      return this.url + '?' + 'x=' + x + '&y=' + y + '&z=' + z + '&' +
         'type=COUNTRY' + '&' + country_params.join('&') + '&' +
         layer_params.join('&')+ '&palette=yellows_reds';

 var layerGBIF = new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ("GBIF",
     name: 'layer name',
     sphericalMercator: true,
     getURL: getMyTileUrl({layers: params, countries: countries}),
     type: 'png',
     isBaseLayer: false,
     transitionEffect: 'resize',
     buffer: 3


See a working demo. (Added by editing)

To change parameters in URL, just do in the browser debugger console:

layerGBIF.getURL = getMyTileUrl({layers: ['OTH_1990_2000', 'OTH_2000_2010'], countries: ['ML']});

For OpenLayers 3 (it was my first answer...)

You can use the following. I use some parameters so it's possible to change layers or countries instead of only relying on x, y, z

var params = ['SP_1900_1910','OBS_1900_1910','OTH_1900_1910','SP_1910_1920',

var setTileUrlFunction = function setTileUrlFunction(options) {
  var options = options;
  return function setTileUrlFunction(tileCoord, pixelRatio, projection) {
    if(tileCoord == null) {
      return "";
    var layerParams = options.layers.map(function(el) {
      return 'layer=' + el;
    var layerCountries = options.countries.map(function(el) {
      return 'key=' + el;
    return 'http://api.gbif.org/v1/map/density/tile?' +
       'x=' + tileCoord[1] + '&' +
       'y=' + tileCoord[2] + '&' +
       'z=' + tileCoord[0] + '&' +
       'type=COUNTRY' + '&' +
       layerCountries.join('&') + '&' +
       layerParams.join('&') + '&' +

var layer = new ol.layer.Tile({
  name: 'TMS',
  source: new ol.source.XYZ({
    tileUrlFunction: setTileUrlFunction({layers: params, countries: ['ML']})

With this, you can later in the console do something like layer.getSource().setTileUrlFunction(setTileUrlFunction({layers: ['OTH_1990_2000', 'OTH_2000_2010'], countries: ['ML']})) to change your tiles.

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