[GIS] In which coordinate system are these coordinates: 50075482, 14430068

convertcoordinatesczech-republiclatitude longitudewgs84

I have multiple locations saved in WGS84 – it looks like e.g. latitude: 50075482, logitude: 14430068.

I tried to search it on the map this way: 12.345678, 87.654321, but it doesn't match the place it should be – it is several meters away. I just need to get proper GPS coordinates. Am I doing it the right way? Is this actually WGS84?

Or do I just need to convert it somehow to use it?

It should be Legerova – Rumunská street in Prague, Czech republic. I can get this place by dividing the numbers with a dot, but it doesn't look like WGS84.

Best Answer

This is not WGS84 System, WGS system is an angular system so the latitude value cannot exceed 90, and the longitude can not exceed 360. You need to figure out the coordinate system of your data, which i guess might be in WGS84 projected system which measures distance in meters. Any GIS softwares can convert it e.g. Quantum GIS.

Roughly: 3 sec in WGS84 system would correspond to 100m in WGS84 projected system.

The numbers provided are not the latitude and longitude, but easting and northing of the place. These will be correctly interpreted by google maps.

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