[GIS] In C# ArcObjects, how to get layer field names from ArcGIS Server layer


I'm creating an add-in to ArcMap using C#. I need to get all the fields of every layer.

Code below works to get the fields when the layer is added via a shapefile. However, I can't get the fields when a layer is added from an ArcGIS Server URL (Map service or Feature service), via Catalog -> GIS Servers -> Add ArcGIS Server. The cast of ILayer to ILayerFields comes back null every time. I know the fields exist in the layer, as they show up with an Identify operation.

Is there a different method I should use to get fields from the ArcGIS Server layers? Or is it even possible to get the fields from Server layers?

private void AddLayerNames(string aPath, ILayer aParent, Dictionary<string, List<string>> aFieldNames)
        if (aPath == string.Empty)
            aPath = aParent.Name;
            aPath = aPath + '/' + aParent.Name;

        var lCompositeLayer = aParent as ICompositeLayer;
        if (lCompositeLayer == null)
            if (!aFieldNames.ContainsKey(aPath))
                aFieldNames.Add(aPath, new List<string>());
                var lFields = aParent as ILayerFields;
                if (lFields != null)
                    for (int lFieldIndex = 0; lFieldIndex < lFields.FieldCount; lFieldIndex++)
                        var lFieldName = lFields.Field[lFieldIndex].Name;

            for (int lLayerIndex = 0; lLayerIndex < lCompositeLayer.Count; lLayerIndex++)
                AddLayerNames(aPath, lCompositeLayer.Layer[lLayerIndex], aFieldNames);

Best Answer

The solution is to cast ILayerto MapServerQuerySublayer then to IFind, then access IFind.FindFields.

Final code:

private void AddLayerNames(string aPath, ILayer aParent, Dictionary<string, List<string>> aLayerFieldNames)
    if (aPath == string.Empty)
        aPath = aParent.Name;
        aPath = aPath + '/' + aParent.Name;

    var lCompositeLayer = aParent as ICompositeLayer;
    if (lCompositeLayer == null)
        if (!aLayerFieldNames.ContainsKey(aPath))
            // Add Layer Name
            aLayerFieldNames.Add(aPath, new List<string>());

            // Layer from local file
            var lFields = aParent as ILayerFields;
            if (lFields != null)
                // Add Field Names
                for (int lFieldIndex = 0; lFieldIndex < lFields.FieldCount; lFieldIndex++)
                    var lFieldName = lFields.Field[lFieldIndex].Name;
            // Layer from ArcGIS Server 
            else if (aParent is MapServerQuerySublayer)
                var lQuery = aParent as MapServerQuerySublayer;
                var lFind = lQuery as IFind;
                if (lFind != null)
                    var lFindFields = lFind.FindFields;
                    // Add Field Names
                    for (int lFieldIndex = 0; lFieldIndex < lFindFields.Length; lFieldIndex++)
                        var lFieldName = lFindFields[lFieldIndex];
        for (int lLayerIndex = 0; lLayerIndex < lCompositeLayer.Count; lLayerIndex++)
            AddLayerNames(aPath, lCompositeLayer.Layer[lLayerIndex], aLayerFieldNames);
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