[GIS] Importing .svg images to use as Symbols in ArcMap


I have several .svg files that I want to use as symbols in ArcMap 10.1.

However, I do not see any import feature or the sort to use these .svg pictures.

Best Answer

I found a possible solution described by GISbiz which uses Enhanced Metafiles (EMF) as an intermediary format and recommends Inkscape or svg2emf to do the SVG to EMF conversion.

ArcMap can use Enhanced Metafiles (EMF) as a picture for Creating a Marker Symbol or for Creating Fill Symbols.

As commented by @GrantHumphries:

To bring an .emf into ArcMap do the following: select 'Customize' on the top menu bar --> 'Style Manager' --> select the profile that you want to add the icon to --> select 'Marker Symbols' folder --> in the window for that folder right-click and select 'New' --> 'Marker Symbol --> from the 'Type' drop down in the window that has opened select 'Picture Marker Symbol' --> navigate to your .emf file

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