[GIS] Importing OSM files to PostGIS


I have installed QGIS 2.4.0 on Windows. I also downloaded an OSM file form Geofrabrik (SouthAmerica).

I have been searching an option (plugin also) in QGIS for importing the OSM file to my PostGIS with no results.

Is there an option in QGIS or will I have to do it another way? (maybe with osm2pgsql manually)

Best Answer

QGIS has several ways to import OSM data:

  • using Layer -> Add Layer -> Add vector layer
  • using Vector -> OpenStreetmap

Both create a spatialite database. You can take the layers of the spatialite database and export them to an empty Postgis database.

But using om2pgsql is the far better tool, because it can deal with large amounts of data far better than QGIS can.

By the way, current version of QGIS is 2.12.

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