Google Earth Engine KML – Fix Imported KML Feature Not Displaying in Earth Engine Map


I have converted a shapefile polygon to a KML file using QGIS, and now am trying to import it to a Google Earth Engine feature table to clip some NDVI difference analysis I'm conducting, but I can't get the polygon to display in the GEE map.

The link to the KML polygon is here:

And the code I'm using to try to display it is here:

// display Leyte province, Philippines 
// data from:

var leyte = ee.FeatureCollection('ft:1b_lTfxp3ne0PBN_BRG7MgbWLG0dlyjMtWjWF0EEf');

Map.addLayer(leyte, {'color':'00FF00'});
Map.setCenter(124.65087, 11.0544296, 8);

I think there might be an issue with the geocoding that's keeping it from displaying, but can't identify the issue.

Best Answer

If you run print(leyte); and open the Console, you'll see the FeatureCollection is trying to draw the polygon with geo_column: ISO, which is clearly not your KML geometry column from the Fusion table. I was able to display the polygon instead just by specifying the correct geometry column, which in this case is called geometry:

var leyte = ee.FeatureCollection('ft:1b_lTfxp3ne0PBN_BRG7MgbWLG0dlyjMtWjWF0EEf', 'geometry');
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