[GIS] Import SketchUp created KML contour lines model to QGIS

3d modelcontourkmlqgissketchup

There's a neat trick to create contour lines based on the GE 3D terrain using Sketch-Up.
The resulting KML however is a model
enter image description here

I have looked at ways of importing KML layers to QGIS, like it was suggested here, yet it doesn't accept this kind of kml file.

So, is there a way to import such a thing into QGIS (or ArcMap for that matter)? and if not can such a model be split into its separate contour lines while retaining the z elevation attribute?

Here's the model itself:
enter image description here

Best Answer

If you have the pro version of SU, save it out as a 3D model in DXF/DWG format and then import that into GIS (you'll also likely need to geo-locate your linework as I think the coordinates of your data will have a 0,0 origin)

Alternatively, because your original KML (stuff.kml) file contains the model, placemark etc, I would try saving just the 'model' out as a separate KML file and then trying to convert that. The conversion tools seem to not like it when other types of geometry are in the kml file.

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