[GIS] Import polyline shp in AutoCAD


As for my issue, I am facing a problem when importing a polyline shp from AutoCAD MAP.

For example I am having a shpfile with 5 features and when imported to AutoCAD, polylines are exploded to lines.

Has anybody faced this issue before ? Any propositions on how to handle with this ?

Best Answer

Using the mapimport command does create single line segments.
NOTE: each segment has different attribute data that you will lose when creating a single polyline (see import detail section below).



The first problem I see is there is no projection defined for this shape file.
This will make it difficult to overlay this drawing with other data or drawings.
(you can find information about the *.prj file on this website)
But moving ahead after import...

  1. convert the lines to polyline with the pedit command.


  1. use the (M)multiple option, type m. Drag a window or crossing over all lines. Select Y to convert them to polylines.


  1. Hit enter 3 times to (1)complete the command, (2)end the command, and (3)restart the command.

  2. Select one of the lines that you want to join all the others to.

use the J option to join all segements already selected. Type j


  1. Hit enter 2 times to complete and end the command

I see several things here you need to be aware of. (Perhaps not for this function but just so that you know about these other import functions.)

  1. If you were wanting to preserve the original segments & data, you might want to seperate them on layers by the data.
  2. If you want to aggregate the lines and the data you can create an object data table of all the attributes.
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