[GIS] Import Esri/ArcGIS .e00 files to QGIS on Linux (getting error message)


I can't seem to import Esri .e00 files into QGIS, and I can't figure out why. I'm trying to import files I've downloaded from ftp://ftp.granit.sr.unh.edu/pub/GRANIT_Data/Vector_Data/Environment_and_Conservation/d-landcover/d-1995/. Based on the answer to this question: Adding .e00 data into QGIS, I tried importing lan23205.e00 as a vector file, and get an error message stating that it is "not a valid or recognized data source"

What is going on here?

Note: I'm running Ubuntu Linux.

Best Answer

They are raster coverages, not vector. I was able to open one of them using the Add Raster Layer button in QGIS. Here's what gdalinfo says about the file:

Driver: E00GRID/Arc/Info Export E00 GRID
Files: lan231.e00
Size is 345, 223
Coordinate System is `'
Origin = (1059406.313363000100000,1023401.084660700100000)
Pixel Size = (93.493327489275273,-93.493327489238126)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  ( 1059406.313, 1023401.085)
Lower Left  ( 1059406.313, 1002552.073)
Upper Right ( 1091661.511, 1023401.085)
Lower Right ( 1091661.511, 1002552.073)
Center      ( 1075533.912, 1012976.579)
Band 1 Block=345x1 Type=Int32, ColorInterp=Undefined
Min=200.000 Max=791.000
Minimum=200.000, Maximum=791.000, Mean=448.930, StdDev=75.639
NoData Value=-2147483647
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