[GIS] Images in pop-ups on webmaps ArcGIS online


enter image description hereI am relatively new to webmaps – I am trying to add an image to pop-ups on web maps in ArcGIS and I am having problems getting the image to appear – all I can see is a little image icon with a tear through it as if it is having issues loading.

I have configured the pop-up media as they have listed in the instructions (http://doc.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-online/create-maps/configure-pop-ups.htm#ESRI_SECTION1_B16A9E11A48D48CBAFA9DB964FCEB805) and have replicated the images to a smaller size (thumbnails) around 200×150 pixels so they shouldn't be too big to load. I have also tried loading the URLs from Google drive.

The links actually work if you click on it and request to open the image in a new window – but i want the image to appear in the pop-up as well and it just wont appear – does anyone have any advice or solutions for this?

I read on a troubleshooting link that it may be because the url is a https rather than a http, would this be it?

Best Answer

The past few days I've had a chance to look further into what potential issues here, here and here may be causing your image to not display as a thumbnail in the configure pop-up in line portion of the dialogue box.

Furthermore, looked at some potential solution here, here and here. The solution range from external links from image storage sites as well as specifics to how the configure pop-up is either to be a hyperlink or a thumbnail.

To get to the solution, I believe the issue lies in the URL that you have been using to display the image in-line within the configure pop-up box. Here is a good example of choosing the image directly through the URL with an extension .png and .jpeg. So you could try to copy the image address directly of the image and that might work within the URL.

An alternative option would be to create a field in your shapefile in ArcGIS Online enter image description here

then use an image storage site like imgur, create an account, upload the image enter image description here

and use the direct link to insert in the ArcGIS Online enter image description here,

this approach worked for me
enter image description here.

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