[GIS] IdentifyFeature() use via PyQGIS


Intent is to have two variables (QgsVectorLayer and feature.id() within said layer) as input for the Identify feature map tool in Qgis (2.6).
Wondering if a feature can be selected programmatically (via PyQGIS) to be highlighted in mapCanvas()?

I have reached 'writers' block after the following:

    layerID,featureID = [i for i in layerAndFeatureIDs.split("_")] 
    layerRef = ftools_utils.getMapLayerByName(unicode(layerID)) 
    infoTool = QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature(self.iface.mapCanvas(),layerRef) 

Runs without error – but hopeful to find out if calling a specific feature within a designated layer is possible.
Either by way of a feature.id(), or even the centroid of said feature as a QgsPoint reference.

This command might be relevant. It activates the tool in question, but is it possible after triggering to subsequently highlight or info-select programmatically?


I wondered if an alternative method would be to source the feature in questions centroid.
Yet upon deriving such – and (futily?) implacing that location into a simulated click event on mapCanvas(); no results were had. Although, a print of 'working' did return…

    for feature in layerRef.getFeatures():
        if feature.id() != int(featureID):
        elif feature.id() == int(featureID):
           x,y = feature.geometry().centroid().asPoint()[0],feature.geometry().centroid().asPoint()[1]
    virtualMouseClick = QtGui.QMouseEvent(QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonPress,QtCore.QPoint(x,y), \
        print 'working'
        print 'not working'

After @sigeal's advice, I have given a go at implementing some things – but run into a bit of a problem. I am supposing that the sub-classed tool needs its x,y coordinates as pixel rather than map coordinate origin. Yet use of QgsMapToPixel returns '-inf' (negative infinity) values.

What might be the syntax error I am committing, and am I off target in actions on @sigeal's advice?

#-------From main class----------------------
    for feature in layerRef.getFeatures():
        if feature.id() != int(featureID):
        elif feature.id() == int(featureID):
            point = feature.geometry().centroid().asPoint()
            x,y = point[0],point[1]
            deviceX,deviceY = QgsMapToPixel().transform(float(x),float(y))[0],QgsMapToPixel().transform(float(x),float(y))[1]
            print deviceX,deviceY
        print 'working'
        print 'not working'


class featureIdentifyTool(QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature):
   geomIdentified = pyqtSignal(object, object)
   def __init__(self, iface, layer, x, y):
       QgsMapToolIdentify.__init__(self, iface.mapCanvas())
   def canvasReleaseEvent(self,layer,x,y):
       results = self.identify(x, y, self.ActiveLayer, [layer], self.VectorLayer)
       print results
       if len(results) > 0:
          self.geomIdentified.emit(results[0].mLayer, results[0].mFeature)

Best Answer

The custom featureDialog may do what you need. I use it extensively in my plugin Telemetry Layer: http://southweb.co.nz/telemetrylayer. It can be called with a layer and feature or respond to user clicks. There are some quirks with it though.

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