[GIS] Identify EPSG in SQL Server

epsgshapefilesql server

I have been trying to load a shapefile available at https://www.elections.on.ca/en/voting-in-ontario/electoral-district-shapefiles/open-use-data-product-licence-agreement/download-shapefiles.html to SQL Server 2014 in the EPSG: 4326 formats.

I tried this using the Shape2SQL tool available at https://www.sharpgis.net/page/SQL-Server-2008-Spatial-Tools

I checked the "Planar Geometry" option and left the "Set SRID" field unchecked. If I check the "Set SRID" field and enter 4326 in the field, nothing gets uploaded to SQL Server. Hence, I left it unchecked.

The loaded coordinates look like this and are NOT in LAT LONG form:

ID  ED_ID ENGLISH_NA       FRENCH_NAM       SHAPE_area    SHAPE_len  geom
1   8     Brampton Centre  Brampton-Centre  4.444118E+07  32761.97   0x000000000104B6010000A...

After uploading to the database, when I checked the SRID for the imported table in SQL Server using the command:

select distinct SP_GEOMETRY.STSrid from dbo.MYTABLE

It returns "0".

Please help with following questions:

  1. Is the shapefile getting loaded into the SQLServer correctly?

  2. How do I convert the loaded data to EPSG: 4326?

Best Answer

You can use the following:


To check it worked, first use SQL to verify the values were written correctly:


(don't use distinct)

You might also ensure the coordinates are in WGS84 by selecting the geometry as text:


Then, can you add the data to QGIS to ensure it draws correctly?

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