[GIS] Howto setup and use a remote GIS workstation (QGIS,GRASS,PostGIS)


I'm using QGIS (and sometimes GRASS and PostGIS) on my 2009 MacBookPro for my thesis project.
I was wondering (during an endless batch generalizing in QGIS) if I can set up a server so I can work from the library/university using the power of a faster home desktop workstation.
So far I understood:

  • I can access a remote PostGIS server via QGIS
  • I can run GRASS via SSH, even with GUI
  • GDAL has PostGIS driver, but it's only for querying and inserting data, the rest of the work is done by the machine that issues the command (or am I wrong?)
  • Basic editing of a PostGIS can be done via QGIS, and I can issue SQL commands to make some more advanced editing

What I would like to figure out:

  • Can I use QGIS plugins remotely? is VNC the only way to accomplish that?
  • is there some documentation for PostGIS+QGIS other than creating and visualizing maps (I found only these types of tutorial)? which tools/plugins can I use, and which of them can be run remotely?

you all confirmed my thoughts about QGIS, if I want to use the processing power of the server I have to control it via VNC/RDP/NX.
as for my second question, let me rephrase it:
If I use postGIS+QGIS and I want all the processing be done on the server, do I have to (learn and) use only SQL queries with postGIS functions?

Best Answer

Have you thought about using an IaaS such as Amazon Web Services to host your GIS stack? There are a bunch of Amazon Machine Images (AMI) that already fulfill your requirements. You could spin up an Amazon EC2 instance to run your GIS jobs and manage it remotely from your laptop.

Here is a course that could get you spun up fairly quick (look at lessons 1-3):


Here is a nice VM bundle that you could deploy on an IaaS that has most of your dependencies:


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