[GIS] How tool to split polylines into two-part lines at vertices in ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1


I'm using ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 at and we have a problem. There is a serious topology bug that I've mentioned in another question that is affecting our workflow. At present, Esri has stated the fix will be in 10.2, but my government is not able to upgrade to 10.2 so easily. Polylines flagged by topology as overlapping or not being covered by something are normally easily subtracted. With the bug, the subtraction affect the entire polyline, beyond the topologically incorrect area.

My workaround is to use the Split Into COGO Lines tool, which is on the COGO toolbar, to split the offending polyline at all nodes, including where the subtraction should end (checking for topology errors generates nodes). Then, when I do the subtract, it only wipes out the offending lines. However, it also adds COGO attributes to all the other segments along the former polyline. This attribute update behavior is undesirable.

Is there a simple tool that would split a line at all nodes or vertices indiscriminately–and either leave COGO attributes in place, or wipe them?

Best Answer

I seem to remember a few split line at vertex tools in the editing or advanced editing tools. There is one that will split lines at intersection and I think that's the name of it. I'd give better guidance but I'm not at my desk to see the tools in front of me.