[GIS] How tonstall GDAL with ECW Support on Windows

coordinate systemecwgdal

What do I download from http://www.gisinternals.com/stable.php for Win7-32 to cut 1:1M map sheets out of Australia.ecw file in GDA94/Geographic and save them as geotiff in WGS84/Geographic? I would like to automate the process to cut all of the 1:1M map sheets then reproject and convert them to geotiffs.

(I am thinking gdalinfo, gdaltranslate, gdalwarp but I am not clear about the ecw support and don't understand the gisinternals release numbers.)

Best Answer

I suggest to visit http://www.gisinternals.com/stable.php. Depending on the Microsoft VC runtime version (2005 to 2013) and win32 vs win64bit, you get a full package of GDAL. Following the information link on the site, you get to know which formats are supported.

If you don't need mapserver binares, just ignore them. The installer will not set up a full mapserver automatically.

Regarding ECW support, some versions (like http://www.gisinternals.com/packageinfo.php?file=release-1400-gdal-1-11-mapserver-6-4.zip) include SDK 3.3 support, which enables you to write ECW files up to a certain limit without the need for a license.

http://www.gisinternals.com/packageinfo.php?file=release-1700-gdal-1-11-mapserver-6-4.zip comes with support for SDK 5.1 (meaning read-only usage), while the MSVC13 compiled version has no ECW support at all.

So choose the package that fits your needs. All have the standard GDAL and OGR utilities.

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