ArcGIS 10.0 – How to Identify and Delete Duplicate Vertices


I am trying to figure out how to delete duplicate vertices. I have successfully determined that there are duplicate vertices using PLTS Data Reviewer, but I am confounded as to how I identify and remove individual vertices. I have tried repair geometry to no avail, and I was wondering if anyone had some advice. I am working in a file geodatabase in ArcMap 10.0 with Data Reviewer extension.

Best Answer

Because Check Geometry and Data Reviewer seem to be contradictory in your case, I suggest to use Feature Vertices To Points and then Collect Events. The events with ICOUNT > 1 are the duplicate vertices you are looking for.

In order to delete duplicate vertices from the original geometries, for instance I'd use GDAL/OGR (>= 1.10 with SpatiaLite support):

ogr2ogr clean_polygons.shp dirty_polygons.shp -dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT ST_Buffer(geometry,0), * FROM dirty_polygons"
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