[GIS] How to write to shapefile in MapGuide


Here the code I have written to a shapefile in MapGuide Open Source (in PHP running on IIS 7.5). The code is actually the modified class MarkupEditor (markupeditor.php) from the General Tracks (GT) example.

class MarkupEditor
    private $args = null;
    private $site = null;
    function __construct($args){
        $this->args = $args;
        $this->site = new MgSiteConnection();
        $this->site->Open(new MgUserInformation($args['SESSION']));
    // Rest of the original code in the class
    function AddPointToShp($featureID){
        $geometryFactory = new MgGeometryFactory();
        $agfWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
        $vertices = explode(",", $this->args['GEOMETRY']);
        $coord = $geometryFactory->CreateCoordinateXY((double) $vertices[0], (double) $vertices[1]);
        $point = $geometryFactory->CreatePoint($coord);
        $point = $point->Transform($this->GetTransform());
        $byteReader = $agfWriter->Write($point);
        $propertyValues = new MgPropertyCollection();
        $propertyValues->Add(new MgInt32Property("FeatId", $featureID));
        $propertyValues->Add(new MgStringProperty("TYPE", "Breader"));
        $propertyValues->Add(new MgStringProperty("DESC", "OCB'));
        $propertyValues->Add(new MgGeometryProperty("Geometry", $byteReader));

    function InsertMarkupFeatureToShp($propertyValues){
            $featureService = $this->site->CreateService(MgServiceType::FeatureService);
            $featureSourceId = $this->args['MARKUPLAYER'];
            $commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
            $commands->Add(new MgInsertFeatures($this->args['OPENMAKUP'], $propertyValues));
            $featureService->UpdateFeatures($featureSourceId, $commands, false);
        catch (MgFeatureServiceException $ex){
            echo '<b>MgFeatureServiceException : </b>'.$ex->GetExceptionMessage();
        catch (MgInvalidArgumentException $ex){
            echo '<b>MgInvalidArgumentException : </b>'.$ex->GetExceptionMessage();
        catch (MgInvalidOperationException $ex){
            echo '<b>MgInvalidOperationException : </b>'.$ex->GetExceptionMessage();
        catch (MgFdoException $ex){
            echo '<b>MgFdoException : </b>'.$ex->GetExceptionMessage();

The members of $args array passed in the constructor are:

    [MARKUPLAYER] => Library://DataStore/Data/Electrical/Breaker.FeatureSource
    [SESSION] => 970bab06-4bd2-11e1-8000-000000000000_en_7F0000010AFC0AFB0AFA
    [MAPNAME] => DataStore
    [OPENMARKUP] => Default:breaker
    [TGT] => 1
    [POPUP] => 0
    [GEOMETRY] => 1.5041909054501184,0.39827301781943014

$featureID in function AddPointToShp() is a numeric value. The code always stops execution at this line in function InsertMarkupFeatureToShp():

$featureService->UpdateFeatures($featureSourceId, $commands, false);

It does not even generate an exception so that I may be able to find out what is wrong.

Some posts on osgeo.org say that GT Example is used to write to SDF only. Where as, I am able to read any field from a desired shapefile using some other modified functions in the same file.

Any help please?


I have converted the target Coordinate System to the one as in existing shapefile. Now I get the MgInvalidArgumentException:

Invalid argument(s): [1] = " " The string cannot be empty.

Also I have tested $propertyValues [$propertyValues->GetCount()]. It returns the count as 4.

Best Answer

Might be a bit late on this one but perhaps you are required to pass a MgResourceIdentifier to UpdateFeatures ?


$featureService->UpdateFeatures($featureSourceId, $commands, false);

might require changing to

$featureResSourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($featureResSourceId);
$featureService->UpdateFeatures($featureResSourceId, $commands, false);

Don't forget that this will change your library dataset it may be read only depending on the current logged on user.

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