How to Draw Lines from One Point to Multiple Destinations in ArcMap 9.3


I need to create lines from an airport to numerous destination locations. The destinations change often, so drawing them manually becomes tedious. I want to create a script that will draw them automatically. Does anyone know how to do this?

I've written a number of scripts for ArcGIS 10 using arcpy, but nothing for 9.3. If you could point me in the right direction that would be great.

Best Answer

In Arc, they call these "Desire Lines" or "Spider Diagrams". There are a number of ArcGIS Toolbox tools that have already been created to to just this task:

Take a look at the ArcGIS Resource center for Geoprocessing under Model and Script Tool Gallery:

Or ArcScripts:

Or if you have the Business Analyst Extension:

Or SoCalGIS python script:

Outside of the Arc platform, you can also: