Using ArcGIS .tpk Tiles with Google Maps

arcgis-10.0google mapstiles

ArcGIS can export a map as server tiles as a compressed folder with the extension .tpk, as described in the ArcGIS documentation.

However, it is not clear how I can get Google maps to read these files.

I have previously used a ruby script to generate tiles, but ArcGIS can generate them more rapidly. However, my application currently expects to find a set of .png tiles for each zoom level, e.g. for zoom level 3:

[user@server map]$ ls *-3.png
0-0-3.png  1-2-3.png  2-4-3.png  3-6-3.png  5-0-3.png  6-2-3.png  7-4-3.png
0-1-3.png  1-3-3.png  2-5-3.png  3-7-3.png  5-1-3.png  6-3-3.png  7-5-3.png
0-2-3.png  1-4-3.png  2-6-3.png  4-0-3.png  5-2-3.png  6-4-3.png  7-6-3.png
0-3-3.png  1-5-3.png  2-7-3.png  4-1-3.png  5-3-3.png  6-5-3.png  7-7-3.png
0-4-3.png  1-6-3.png  3-0-3.png  4-2-3.png  5-4-3.png  6-6-3.png
0-5-3.png  1-7-3.png  3-1-3.png  4-3-3.png  5-5-3.png  6-7-3.png
0-6-3.png  2-0-3.png  3-2-3.png  4-4-3.png  5-6-3.png  7-0-3.png
0-7-3.png  2-1-3.png  3-3-3.png  4-5-3.png  5-7-3.png  7-1-3.png
1-0-3.png  2-2-3.png  3-4-3.png  4-6-3.png  6-0-3.png  7-2-3.png
1-1-3.png  2-3-3.png  3-5-3.png  4-7-3.png  6-1-3.png  7-3-3.png

but it is not clear to me what the analagous representation of these files is in a .tpk layer. An example of my output is map_tiles.tpk

Best Answer

To use the .tpk file, use the ArcGIS API for JavaScript Extension to the Google Maps API as described under Available map cache properties in the ArcGIS documentation.