[GIS] How to use the SLD Filter “Difference”


I have a postgis table with polygon geometries.

I would like to create an sld which first does an inside buffer, and then a difference between the buffer and the original geometry.

This is basically like cutting a hole out of the polygon….ie first buffer (say…50 meters) and then cut this buffered polygon out of the original polygon.

I can´t seem to get my head around the syntax of using the sld filter explained here


<gml:coordinates>1 1</gml:coordinates>

This is an intersect function which only displays the points which intersect 1,1. I guess a DIFFERENCE function with a buffer would have to be somehow nested…but I don´t know if this is possible.

If anyone can help. i´d be really grateful,


Best Answer

Try this,

        <ogc:Function name="difference">    
          <ogc:Function name="buffer">
          <CssParameter name="fill">#894465</CssParameter>
          <CssParameter name="fill-opacity">0.5</CssParameter>  

It works in geoserver 2.7-SNAPSHOT (rev 38562)

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